“Language is not learnt in classrooms” – C.P. Viswanath.
C.P. Viswanath comes across as a person who effortlessly dons many roles – as an educator, an entrepreneur, and a musician. He is the co-founder of both ‘Karadi Tales Company Pvt. Ltd.’ and ‘Karadi Path Education Company Pvt. Ltd.’.
Giving a little insight about Karadi Tales. It was started in the year 1996 (23 years & counting) with the intent to create a space for Indian culture in the world of children’s publishing. It was started by a group of writers, educators and musicians. What resonated the most with their journey was the fact that despite all the hardships they went through, there was never a thought of exiting from what they were doing. And most importantly in his own words (From an excerpt)……
“At no point in time was the thought process entrepreneurial. It was always the belief that what we were doing was of value and we enjoyed what we were doing. The intent was to continue deriving the joy we were, personally” Guess this sums up the intentions and values they held and continued to hold onto in their journey.
Viswanath is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Karadi Path, a company that has been innovating in the area of language learning; by facilitating organic learning of languages. He says how on the one hand every child by four or five years can naturally speak at least two or three languages and on the other hand; we are trying to teach them English in a classroom environment. This comes from our obsession with English as a country! It was this realization that led him to reconstruct the ‘natural language-speaking process’ for the classroom with several basic principles. Karadi Path is not only being acknowledged in India but internationally too for it is one of its only kind.