The adverse effect of globalization is in rural women having to migrate to metro cities and other states for their livelihood and financial needs. According to experts, localization is the solution. Therefore, it is necessary to provide rural women with diversified employment opportunities beyond agriculture. In that way, this tailoring school was created for the women and children of Puliyanoor and Avaranguttai villages. It is important that women learn how to ride a bicycle and also how to stitch for their own safety. This is an experiential truth we’ve known from the period of Gandhi and Periyar.
While it functions as a training center for women, it also serves as a crafting workshop for children. When one picks upon a simple craft, it creates an incredible faith in life. Women’s underwear, toys made of cloth for children, stitching cloth bags, and weaving baskets are being undertaken here at this workshop. The objective is to establish livelihoods based on tailoring and textiles and to retain the village’s native residents, helping them live in economic prosperity.